Studying through the book of Acts in this season, God has revealed much about Himself as well as many life changing truths thus far. This morning, as I read though Acts 3, I noticed Peter referring to Jesus as God’s servant among other descriptions.
Following the cross-references Isaiah 53:11 and 42:1-8, Christ as the ultimate servant bore our iniquities. But God promised He would uphold His Servant. He called Him in righteousness, promised to hold Him by His hand and watch over Him, appointed Him as a covenant to the Jews and Gentiles, and used Him for miraculous works.
Through our agency as well as personal walk, we are blessed to know many servants that give their all for the call the Lord has placed on them. Each of them radiates Christ’s love and light in the darkness of this world by sharing the gospel despite the sacrifices they have to make and oppositions they have to face trusting that God will uphold them as He promised.
Each of us is called to follow the example Christ set before us. With that call, God also extends these promises given in Isaiah to us. Regardless of where we serve, we can trust that the One True God upholds us through it all.